How and why do cigars going bad?

How does the cigars go bad? and why? Lets look at the several mistakes all commonly tend to make in storing cigars.

Every premium cigar is made up of two elements : pure 100% tobacco content and water. Now, cigars made up of two elements here means while tobacco is being grown in the farms, the plantations undergo a humidity control process where humidity is raised by either releasing cold water or steam into the atmosphere. This maintains the texture, moisture and many other attributes that contribute to the rolling of a perfect cigar. You will not find these features if you buy cheap cigars uk, else you must be completely aware of the places where to buy cigars. Every tobacco leaf when plucked contains a certain amount of water level in it. This contributes further when these leaves are sent to be fermented. You can learn about the tobacco fermentation process in my next blog. Later, they also undergo the aging technique.

All the quality cigars that are soft on touch and moisture with thick, smooth smoke when lit have to be kept in these above conditions to reach you in such an outstanding manner. The above process is all necessary to maintain or generate certain blends of flavours depending on which type of cigar the manufacturer is planning to craft.

The internal structure, taste palettes, and consistency of a cigar gets detrimental if the leaves get dried out. Additionally, when you light your cuban, machine-made or other cigars, it will burn similarly to burning garbage to ash - hot and quicker when humid levels are too low ruining your smoking experience. Perhaps, you will go through this same experience if your cigarillo is more humidified than required. Excess humidification is harmful because stogies are to be maintained under an average 70% humidifying measures.

Plastic Wrappers:

Majority cigars come wrapped in cellophane. Though cellophane has some properties similar to plastic, 'Cellophane' is derived from natural sources such as wood, while plastic wrap is made of oily substance. Unlike plastic, cellophane can't be recycled, but it is biodegradable. NOTE that Cuban cigars do not come wrapped in cellophane since 1992, while only the machine-made 

cubans like the Guantanamera Minutos Cigars are wrapped in this material.

Do not unwrap the stogies, instead place the entire pack inside the humidor and they can be preserved longer.

If you think keeping your cigar in a plastic will retain the freshness? No, do not ever store a cigar inside a plastic for more than a day as it only quickens the drying. On the other hand, cellophane will allow your cigars to age. 

Original Box:

The original box of cigars may look presentable and elegant, while it is only used to prevent the cigars from breaking as well as to keep a large quantity in a place to ship it later and not to store them. These boxes have to be kept inside a humidor else the cigarillos inside the box may also loose the softness and become brittle. Most of the time, it is noticed that cigars laying outside for hours catch beetles. One way which can prove to be helpful is find a humid enough corner and place the original cigars box there and it might perhaps maintain a balance.


The proper method to store cigars for longer periods is to place them in an airtight container called Humidor which helps keep cigars moist and fresh. It maintains a consistent temperature inside the humidifying box even when the room temperature is lower or higher or even fluctuating. Set up the Humidor and adjust the hygrometer and relax to enjoy your smoke. This can help to store your cigars for years.


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