
Showing posts from January, 2023

Here's a Quick Way to analyze why Filtered Pipes are Better And Do You Need Filter While Smoking A Pipe

  Filtered tobacco smoking pipes are better because they protect the smoker from harmful substances. The filters in a filtered pipe remove 99% of tar and other toxins from the smoke. This means that you are not inhaling harmful carcinogens, which can cause lung cancer. Filtered pipes also help to cool your tobacco smoke, which makes it more enjoyable to inhale. The cooler smoke also reduces throat irritation and inflammation. In addition to filtering out harmful substances, filtration also removes nicotine and other alkaloids that make it difficult for one to stop smoking once they have started. Filtered tobacco pipes are smoking pipes that have filters in them, which catch tar and other particles. This means that you can enjoy a smooth smoke without having to worry about inhaling harmful substances like tar or nicotine into your lungs. There are several reasons to consider using a filtered smoking pipe over traditional pipes. First of all, filtered tobacco pipes are easier to clean t

Journey of tobacco leaves from farm to cigar stores

  When cigars are smoked, this is the least we think about- How they reached the stores? There's more to the story of a cigar or tin of pipe tobacco. From the tobacco plantations to the cigar shops.

How and why do cigars going bad?

How does the cigars go bad? and why? Lets look at the several mistakes all commonly tend to make in storing cigars. Every premium cigar is made up of two elements : pure 100% tobacco content and water. Now, cigars made up of two elements here means while tobacco is being grown in the farms, the plantations undergo a humidity control process where humidity is raised by either releasing cold water or steam into the atmosphere. This maintains the texture, moisture and many other attributes that contribute to the rolling of a perfect cigar. You will not find these features if you buy cheap cigars uk, else you must be completely aware of the places where to buy cigars . Every tobacco leaf when plucked contains a certain amount of water level in it. This contributes further when these leaves are sent to be fermented. You can learn about the tobacco fermentation process in my next blog. Later, they also undergo the aging technique. All the quality cigars that are soft on touch and moisture wi